Completed Projects
2014 APSA Africa Workshop: Distributive Goods and Distributive Politics
A 2014 workshop targeted at university and college faculty in the social sciences residing in Africa who are in the early stages of their academic careers.
Arab Social Scientist Visitor Program
At a time of transition in the Arab world, U.S. engagement in general and collaboration between Arab and American scholars in particular are more important than ever.
Collaborative Research: An Organizational Approach to State Repression: The Northern Ireland Research Initiative and the Troubles, 1968-1998
A study of state repression/human rights violation and the circumstances involved with their use as it steps away from the largely invariant structural characteristics highlighted within the existing literature.
Collaborative Research: Measuring Apparent Race and Ethnicity with Applications to the Study of Discrimination
Establishing solid measurement foundations for research on phenotype discrimination, this project uses Bayesian pairwise comparison models, surveys, and experiments to develop new measures of skin color, apparent racial/ethnic stereotypicality and ancestry.
Collaborative Research: Metadata Portal for the Social Sciences
Providing enhanced access to two seminal social science data resources – the American National Election Studies (ANES) and General Social Survey (GSS).
Comparative Digital Politics and Democratization
This project surveyed the impact of digital media use on political change in developing states.
Database of UN Human Rights Agreements
This project provided coverage of all UN Human Rights Agreements from 1945 to present, in order to make more systematic analysis of these agreements possible.
Development of an Election Forensics Toolkit: Using Subnational Data to Detect Anomalies
This created innovative resources for policymakers, practitioners, and scholars who study and evaluate election outcomes to understand better the integrity of election returns.
Disaster Recovery in Nepal
How do sustainable development interventions affect the ways that rural households recover from disasters?
Do Institutions Affect the Attitudes and Behavior of Constituents? Evidence from an Environmental Management Program in India
How and to what extent do institutions affect individual attitudes and behavior?
Economic Empowerment of Women through Entrepreneurship in the MENA
This project provided economic empowerment fellowship opportunities to women and minority entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, small business owners, and business development activists from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
Elite Communications and Racial Group Conflict in the 21st Century
This project studied the ways that co-ethnic political elites and interest group leaders can shape the attitudes that African Americans, Latinos, and Whites have about one another.
Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM) Summer Institutes 2016-2019
The EITM Summer Institutes facilitate a rigorous and productive dialogue between theoretical and empirical analysis in political science.
Evaluation of the Juvenile Justice Prevention Programs for the Michigan Department of Human Services
Consulting and technical expertise for the Michigan Public Health Institute.
From Fareej to Metropolis: A Social Capital Survey of Qatar
This project assessed the level-amount of social capital in Qatar.
Games Theory, Culture and Institutional Path Dependence
An interdisciplinary effort involving ideas from political science, economics, game theory, and complexity theory that seeks to gain insight into the relationship between institutional choices and cultures.
Human Development and Political Leadership: The Influence of Personal History on Foreign Policy Decision
This project focused on how differences in the personal characteristics of leaders affect decision-making and competence in situations involving conflicts between countries.
Inspiring and Accelerating Entrepreneurship in MENA Youth
This program exposed entrepreneurs, small business owners, private sector development specialists and business educators from the MENA region to best practices in entrepreneurial innovation and small business growth in the United States.
Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Effectiveness of Aid-Funded Programs: Spatial Analysis of Developmental Outcomes
This project collected and analyzed subnational data on two general kinds of factors: 1) the effectiveness of aid projects measured at the subnational level; 2) contextual variables also measured at the subnational level.
Management of Complex Data Structures: Upgrades to EUGene data software
EUGene makes a number of cumbersome tasks easier, especially data sets created with the directed dyad-year as the unit of analysis.
Mapping Forest Cover and Poverty Globally
This project examined the overlap between levels of poverty and forest cover between 2000 and 2010
Mass Political Attitudes in the Arab States of the Gulf: Administering the Arab Democracy Barometer in Qatar and Kuwait
The objective of the project was to conduct the Arab Democracy Barometer (ADB) survey in Qatar and Kuwait.
Natural Experiments on the Relationships Among Drug Legalization, Crime, Violence, and Political Mobilization
This project studied two particular situations – the killing of a suspect by police and the resulting public protests; and the effects of marijuana legalization upon the occurrence of crime in neighboring regions.
Positive Empirical Models of Election Frauds
Building on previous models, this project attempts to estimate the incidence and magnitudes of any frauds that occur, and also to be able to recover what the election results would have been in the absence of frauds.
Regional Integration in the Gulf: A Survey of Citizen Attitudes toward the Gulf Cooperation Council
A pan-GCC survey of attitudes toward further regional integration and GCC expansion among the citizens of its member states.
Russia and the ‘normal country’ debates
Is, was, or will Russia ever be a “normal” country?
Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI)
A multi-year partnership to establish, develop and grow SESRI to be the preeminent social science research organization in Qatar and a leading contributor to social science research in the broader arena of the Arab Gulf.
Support for Conferences and Mentoring of Underrepresented Groups in Political Science
This project continues efforts by the Society for Political Methodology to support under-funded graduate students, expand mentoring and networking efforts for women and under-represented minorities, and to develop new inclusive programs for making the subfield more accessible to groups with historically lower participation in the activities of the subfield.
The 2016 Election Research Preacceptance Competition
This competition offered an award of $2,000 and placement on a panel at a major political science conference to scholars who publish an article in which the hypotheses and design were registered before the data were publicly available.
The Conflict Consortium
The consortium brought together two groups of scholars for the purposes of solidifying relationships in the field of subnational conflict.
The Data Access & Research Transparency (DART): A Joint Statement by Political Science Journal Editors
This project presented a new way for social scientists to achieve greater data sharing and research transparency.
The Measurement and Identification of Media Priming Effects in Political Science
This project developed a new set of methods that can be used to make stronger inferences about the impact of media on citizen behavior.
The Political Control of U.S. Federal Agencies and Bureaucratic Political Behavior
This project developed anew hypotheses concerning congressional strategies of delegation, the policy outputs of agencies, and bureaucrats’ motivations for serving as federal employees.
The Political Economy of Power Outages in Ghana: New Measures and Analysis
This project introduced a new measure of power supply reliability and outages based upon temporal variations in nighttime light output observed by earth observing satellites.
The Scientific Virtues: Planning Grant for a National Survey of the Ethical Perceptions of Scientific Leaders
A survey of 1000 scientific policy leaders about their views on science and virtue and their current thinking about the translation of these ethical virtues into research practices.
Tracking Light From The Sky
This project monitored the effectiveness of rural electrification projects using low-cost satellite imagery of nighttime lights.
Training a New Generation of Russian Social Scientists and Diffusing Social Science Expertise of Russian Regional Universities
This project’s central aim was the training of the next generation of international social scientists.
Understanding and Designing for User Expectations of Algorithmic Media
This research will studied human and machine co-curation of online news feeds.
Understanding Marginalized Communities in the Arab World through Social Science Research
This project addresses the skills gap facing junior Arab social scientists in MENA that limits their ability to produce rigorous, data-based, problem-focused research at the highest levels.
Workshop on Genes, Cognition and Social Behavior
A one-day interdisciplinary workshop to specify how and where research on genetics, cognition, and social behavior will generate transformative scientific practices, scholarly infrastructure, and widely relevant findings of high social value.
Workshop on the Analysis of Longitudinal Study of American Youth (LSAY) Data
The workshop enabled university-based scholars and data-focused program directors to improve policy and the delivery of both formal and informal educational services throughout the nation.