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CPS News

Talk to him: Mara Ostfeld et al show how a conversation can shape public support for women’s rights

OstfeldPosted Dec. 18, 2024. 

A single conversation with a close family member may not change a young woman’s views on policies protecting their rights, but it can strongly influence young men’s attitudes. A University of Michigan study found that family opinions heavily shape male youth’s views on women’s rights, while female youth are less affected. More from Michigan News.






How Our Views of Science Change over Time

MillerPosted Dec. 6, 2024. 

A longitudinal study led by Jon Miller of the Center for Political Studies has tracked how attitudes about science have morphed over time. More from Michigan News.





Dan Slater on the political dynamics of Türkiye, the Gulf, and the Americas

SlaterPosted Dec. 6, 2024. 

Authoritarianism expert Dan Slater of the Center for Political Studies is featured in an exclusive interview on the evolving political dynamics in Türkiye, the Gulf and the Americas: More from Türkiye Today.




Anne Pitcher Shares Insights on Protest in Mozambique

Posted Nov. 25, 2024. 

Weeks of protest followed a contested election in Mozambique. António Bai, Anne Pitcher, José Jaime Macuane, and Ruth Castel-Branco shared insights in a webinar on the politics underlying the popular uprising. More from the Africa Is a Country; video here.





CPS Next Gen Scholar Eugenia Quintanilla Studies Prosociality and Political Engagement

Eugenia QuintanillaPosted Nov. 13, 2024. 

Eugenia Quintanilla, a Next Generation scholar affiliated with CPS, studies prosociality in American politics, examining how a desire to help others can affect the ways in which people choose to get involved in the political sphere. More from ISR.




Mozambique ruling party likely to win elections amid allegations of irregularities

Posted Oct. 10, 2024. 

Mozambique is counting votes amid allegations of irregularities in this week’s presidential election. Anne Pitcher of CPS shared insights on registration rigging that took place prior to the election. More from the Guardian.



Vaccine uptake influenced by politics, socioeconomics

COVID vaccinePosted Oct. 10, 2024. 

New research sheds light on the rationales and information environments for early, late, and nonadopters of the COVID-19 vaccine– and suggests online influencers and celebrities might play an important role in encouraging vaccine uptake. CPS’s Ceren Budak, Michael Traugott, and Josh Pasek investigated with colleagues at Georgetown. More from Michigan News.


Nick Valentino appointed the Donald R. Kinder Collegiate Professor of Political Science

Nicholas ValentinoPosted Oct. 3, 2024. 

Nicholas A. Valentino was appointed as the Donald R. Kinder Collegiate Professor of Political Science this fall, with the named professorship recognizing a fellow research professor in the Center for Political Studies at the University of Michigan. More from LSA.

Krupnikov and Ryan: Undecided voters unable to pick a candidate whose views align

Yanna KrupnikovPosted Oct. 10, 24. 

Undecided voters aren’t struggling to choose between options that appear equally good. CPS affiliates Yanna Krupnikov and John Barry Ryan, experts on partisanship and the politically disengaged, say they’re struggling to select a candidate whose policies align with their beliefs . More from Michigan News.

$3M Minerva Project to Investigate the Role of Social Cohesion in Weathering Crises in the Indo-Pacific

HickenPosted Sept. 24, 2024. 

The Minerva Research Initiative, a university-based social science research initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense, has awarded more than $3 million in funding for a research project led by CPS’s Allen Hicken. The four-year project, “Cohesion under Crisis: Concepts, Measures, Implications,” will investigate the role of social cohesion in weathering crisis, focusing on the Indo-Pacific region. More from CPS.

CPS Affiliates to be Honored at APSA 2024

APSAPosted Sept. 3, 2024. 

A host of CPS affiliates will take awards home from the APSA Annual Meeting this week in Philadelphia. CPS Director Ken Kollman will receive the 2024 Eldersveld Career Achievement Award from the Political Organizations and Parties section; awardees also include Charlotte Cavaillé, Megan Stewart, and Hilary Izatt. More from CPS.

Remembering Samuel Barnes

Samuel BarnesPosted June 14, 2024. 

Samuel H. Barnes, a leading scholar on voting behavior and political party affiliation in Western democracies and past affiliate of the Center for Political Studies, died on May 21, at 93. More from MLive.

Foreign Affairs Report: America Is Losing the Arab World

Mark Tessler

Posted June 11, 2024. 

The Arab Barometer public opinion survey shows Arab public opinion has turned sharply against the United States since October 7. Michael Robbins, Amaney A. Jamal, and Mark Tessler write in Foreign Affairs: “Ultimately, to win the trust of Arab citizens in the Middle East, the United States must show the same care for the suffering of the Palestinians that it does for that of the Israelis.” More in Foreign Affairs.

The Hill Opinion: Biden knows executive order on border will fail. Blame our broken system.

Kenny Lowande

Posted June 11, 2024. 

Biden’s executive order on the border will fail, Kenneth Lowande says in an Opinion out in The Hill. “The purpose of the president going alone on immigration is political; whether it fixes the problem is almost beside the point.” More from the UM Department of Political Science.

CPS launches SUNGEO project to assist in merging data across different scales

Posted May 14, 2024. 

The new Subnational Geospatial Data Archive (SUNGEO) project addresses a common challenge for social researchers: misalignment that arises when data are collected at varying levels of scale. It uses a variety of tools to integrate geospatial data, allowing researchers and analysts to evaluate data relationships from a variety of sources, scales, and geographical contexts. More from ISR.


More feelings of misinformation, more news avoidance, U-M study shows

Michael TraugottPosted May 10, 2024. 

Michael Traugott, Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan and a Research Professor Emeritus in the Center for Political Studies, has been recognized with the 2024 Warren J. Mitofsky Award for Excellence in Public Opinion Research. More from CPS.

More feelings of misinformation, more news avoidance, U-M study shows

Ariel Hasell

Posted May 8, 2024. 

As people have more difficulty distinguishing fact from fiction in the United States, they are more likely to feel news fatigue and avoid news altogether, according to new study by Ariel Hasell of the Center for Political Studies. More from Michigan News.

SUNGEO project launches to integrate data at a variety of geographic scales

Posted April 17, 2024. 

Today marks the launch of the Subnational Geospatial Data Archive (SUNGEO) project, a set of tools that will improve research involving sub-national data in order to bolster knowledge of how societies develop, prosper, and change. Funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, SUNGEO offers data on demography, politics, climate, violence, public health, weather, and terrain at a variety of geographic scales. It offers innovative tools to integrate spatially-misaligned data. More from CPS.

ANES wins 2024 AAPOR Policy Impact Award

Nicholas Valentino

Posted April 12, 2024. 

The American National Election Studies (ANES) was recognized today by the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) with its Policy Impact Award– given annually to outstanding projects making a clear impact, improving policy decisions, practice and discourse. More from CPS.

CPS hosts ‘The 2024 Mexican Elections in Context’

Blanca HerediaPosted April 12, 2024. 

On June 2, 2024, Mexican citizens will vote in the largest election in the country’s history? What is at stake? More from the Michigan Daily.

Jon Miller: Gen X Attitudes on Evolution Shift with Age

MillerPosted April 10, 2024. 

A new study illustrates that the attitudes of Americans in Generation X toward evolution shifted as they aged. More from Michigan News and

Sandvig awarded U-M's presidential award for public engagement

Christian SandvigPosted April 11, 2024 Christian Sandvig was awarded the University of Michigan’s 2023 presidential award for public engagement for his far-reaching impacts on computer algorithm auditing. More from Michigan News.

Lupia appointed U-M interim vice president for research and innovation

Arthur Skip LupiaPosted April 1, 2024.  CPS faculty member Arthur Lupia, a longtime leader of social science research institutions and one-time PI of the American National Election Studies, has been appointed the as the University of Michigan’s interim vice president for research and innovation. More from The Record.

Political Rage on Social Media Is Making Us Cynical

Political ragePosted March 11, 2024.  Political anger and cynicism are rising in the U.S. and in many democracies worldwide, and both are associated with exposure to political attacks on social media, a new study by CPS’s Ariel Hasell, Brian Weeks, and Audrey Halversen shows. More from CPS.

Jon Miller: America's basic trust in science survived pandemic and attacks under Trump

MillerPosted March 11, 2024. Americans’ basic confidence in science and scientific expertise was unshaken by the Trump administration’s attacks on scientific expertise, and has remained high during the last six decades, according to an analysis led by the University of Michigan’s Jon Miller of the Center for Political Studies. More from Michigan News

Amaney Jamal to present the WVS Ronald F. Inglehart Honorary Lecture

Amaney JamalPosted Dec. 4, 2023. Amaney Jamal of Princeton, Co-founder of the Arab Barometer, will present the World Values Survey’s Ronald F. Inglehart Honorary Lecture on Dec. 8, 2024 “The Global Segregation of the Poor.” Register and learn more.

CPS's Mark Tessler Honored with Research Symposium

Mark TesslerPosted Oct. 13, 2023. Mark Tessler of the Center for Political Studies is a foremost scholar advancing survey and social science research in the Arab world. The Mark Tessler Symposium at the Institute for Social Research celebrated his career achievements. Read more.

CPS's Roy Pierce, Converse-Miller, and Garth Taylor Scholar Hwayong Shin Advancing Public Opinion Research

Hwayong ShinPosted Sept. 11, 2023. Next Generation scholar Hwayong Shin earned a trifecta of Next Generation fellowships during her time at CPS, launching the start of her research career studying public opinion. Read more.

Vincent Hutchings Receives the 2023 Hanes Walton, Jr. Career Award

Vincent HutchingsPosted Sept. 1, 2023. Vincent Hutchings has been presented the Hanes Walton, Jr. Career Award by the American Political Science Association (APSA), a recognition of distinguished scholarship in political science that has contributed to understanding racial and ethnic politics and the conditions under which diversity and intergroup tolerance thrive in democratic societies. Hutchings has had a tremendous influence on the field of political science, and his contributions have made a lasting mark on the study of racial and ethnic politics and public opinion as well as the professional trajectories of his students.  The APSA award committee cited Hutchings’ accomplishments through not only his own pioneering scholarship and theoretical innovations around racial prejudice and political psychology and attitudes, but also by building up the key infrastructures to support these advances. Read more.

The Economist Features Ron Inglehart and the World Values Study: Thinking around the World is Diverging

photo of Ron InglehartPosted August 18, 2023.  The World Values Survey– the world’s biggest social-research network, is indicating that despite development around the world, differences in thinking around the world are widening. The Economist features the work of the late Ron Inglehart in this issue.  Read more from The Economist.

Joshua Thorp, Next Generation Converse-Miller Scholar, Wins 2023 Eldersveld Prize

Joshua ThorpPosted July 1, 2023. The University of Michigan’s Political Science department has named PhD candidate Joshua Thorp the winner of the 2023 Eldersveld Prize for the best paper presented at a professionally-sponsored conference. The Graduate Affairs Committee announced the award this week for Thorp’s paper, “Body Politic: Disability and Political Cohesion.” Joshua Thorp is a Next Generation scholar and winner of the Converse-Miller fellowship in American political behavior for 2022.  His research focuses on political psychology in the United States and other developed democracies, with a particular focus on the politics of disability. Thorp’s dissertation examines disability as a dimension of political identity in the United States. Based on this work, Thorp wrote a blog for CPS, “Does Disability Shape Political Identity?” that can be read here.

Professor Samuel Eldersveld was a scholar of party systems and political elites, with research domains ranging from the US to the Netherlands to China to India to the city of Ann Arbor, where he was mayor from 1957 to 1959. Professor Eldersveld was associated with the Department of Political Science for 72 years, beginning as a master’s student in 1938, and holding the title of professor emeritus upon his death in 2010. The American Political Science Association’s section on Parties and Political Organizations has named its lifetime achievement award after Professor Eldersveld.

The Graduate Affairs Committee comprises Marc Dincecco, Nicholas Valentino, and Lisa Disch. The next student recipient will be named in 2023, for work presented at a conference between May 1, 2022 and April 30, 2023

Jowei Chen's work key in Supreme Court ruling, affirming Voting Rights Act

Jowei ChenPosted June 27 2023.  University of Michigan political science professor Jowei Chen, affiliated with the Center for Political Studies at the Institute for Social Research, was cited throughout the Supreme Court’s Allen v. Milligan decision. His work with Harvard Law’s Nicholas Stephanopolous—an amicus brief submitted in the case and their Yale Law Journal article on “The Race-Blind Future of Voting Rights”—provided a critical evidence base for the decision that was an unexpected affirmation of the Voting Rights Act. Read more from CPS and Michigan News.

Christian Sandvig of CPS wins the ICA 2023 Public Policy Research Award

Christian SandvigPosted May 31, 2023. Christian Sandvig of the Center for Political Studies at the Institute for Social Research won the 2023 Outstanding Public Research Award of the International Communication Association (ICA) at last week’s ICA Conference in Toronto. Sandvig and a group of collaborators were honored for their research on “algorithm auditing,” a technique for detecting illegal behavior by online platforms and artificial intelligence. That research led to a Supreme Court decision in 2021 that cleared barriers for journalists and researchers to use the investigative technique online. Read more from CPS.

CPS hosts the 2023 Miller-Converse Lecture, with speaker Stanley Feldman

Miller-Converse Lecture Event on March 23, 2023

Posted March 27, 2023. Stanley Feldman, professor of political science at Stony Brook University, gave the 2023 Miller-Converse Lecture, speaking on the increasing correlation between authoritarianism and partisan affiliation in the United States over the last 30 years, as well as the implications of this trend for future elections. Read more from the Michigan Daily.



Ceren Budak named a 2023-2024 CASBS Fellow

Ceren BudakPosted March 13, 2023. This week, the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) at Stanford University announced its 2023-24 fellows class, 37 scholars and practitioners representing 22 U.S. institutions and nine international institutions and programs. CPS Faculty Associate Ceren Budak, who is an Associate Professor of Information (School of Information) and of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (College of Engineering) was named among them. Professor Budak’s research interests lie in the area of computational social science– and particularly in the use of large scale data sets and computational techniques to study problems with policy, social and political implications.

Members of the 2023-24 class conduct research in a variety of fields in the social and behavioral sciences and cognate disciplines, including anthropology, architecture, communication, economics, education, history, information science, law, medicine, organization studies, philosophy, political science, psychology, public health, sociology, and urban studies and planning. Since its inception in 1954, CASBS has brought together deep thinkers from diverse disciplines and communities to advance understanding of the full range of human beliefs, behaviors, interactions, and institutions. A leading incubator of human-centered knowledge, CASBS facilitates collaborations across academia, policy, industry, civil society, and government to collectively design a better future.



Two CPS projects selected for grants in joint program focused on rural life

Rural landscapePosted March 2, 2023. Rural areas around the globe face distinct challenges and four new projects bring social scientists and engineers together to improve understanding and develop solutions. CPS’s Brian Min and Sabina Tomkins will both co-lead projects as part of a joint pilot program between the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research (ISR) and College of Engineering (CoE). Read more from ISR.



Walter Mebane named an AAAS Fellow

MebanePosted Jan. 31, 2023. For his distinguished contributions in election forensics, using statistical analysis to determine whether election results are accurate, Walter Mebane, professor of political science and statistics, has been named an AAAS Fellow. Read more from Michigan News.  



CPS Remembers Barb Opal

Barbara OpalPosted Jan. 25, 2023. Barb Opal, who proudly spent her entire career in ISR’s Center for Political Studies (CPS), passed away on Thursday. She had worked with every director of the Center dating back to CPS founder Warren Miller. The memorial service will be Saturday, Feb. 11 at 12:30.  Read more



ISR honors Rosemary Sarri with research symposium

Rosemary SarriPosted Dec. 7, 2022. With the U-M School of Social Work, CPS hosted the Rosemary Sarri Symposium in memory of the scholar whose research and social work activism made a substantial impact on juvenile justice and children’s welfare. Sarri was a leading expert in child and family welfare policy and the criminal justice system whose philanthropy has provided critical resources to emerging U-M scholars. The Symposium included talks from Sara Goodkind, Brittani Parham, Michele Legleitner, and Carisma Ayala, whose work is an extension of Sarri’s legacy. Read more



Jon Miller Investigates How Americans Learned about COVID-19 to Make Personal Health Decisions and Public Policy Judgments

MillerPosted Nov. 7, 2022. An international team led by CPS’s Jon Miller found that people who earned a college degree and took the required college science courses gained a general level of biological literacy that enabled them to make more informed policy judgments about the effectiveness of the Trump administration’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the last week prior to the 2022 midterm elections, these results are important in understanding how citizens make sense of scientific or technical issues such as viral mutation and transmission and the efficacy of vaccines—and how their government worked to protect them against a deadly virus. Read more



Mark Tessler's New Open Access Book to Kindle Social Science Research in the Arab World

Mark Tessler BookPosted Oct. 10, 2022.  A new book by CPS’s Mark Tessler on the design and conduct of social science research in the Arab world has the potential to expand the reach and impact of social science research that contributes to informed social advancement.  Social Science Research in the Arab World and Beyond: A Guide for Students, Instructors, and Researchers has been released by Springer Publishers in its Sociology series; Qatar University Press has translated the book and is publishing the Arabic edition.  Read more and get the open access book

Arthur Lupia to Lead Bold Challenges Initiative as Executive Director

Arthur Skip LupiaPosted July 27, 2022. Arthur Lupia will serve the Bold Challenges initiative as Executive Director, leading U-M collaborative research efforts addressing social changes intersecting with equity, health, infrastructure, and sustainability. His two-year term begins in September. “I am committed to doing all that I can to help the University of Michigan act with urgency and integrity to serve today’s, and tomorrow’s, generations with maximum impact and unrelenting humanity,” said Lupia.
Read more in the University Record

ISR, CPS Remember Rosemary Sarri, Trailblazing Social Scientist and Researcher

Rosemary SarriPosted July 25, 2022.  Rosemary A. Sarri, a long-time University of Michigan researcher and professor, passed away on Monday, July 25. She was 95. A leading expert in child and family welfare policy and the criminal justice system, Sarri worked to improve social welfare programs throughout the world. She collaborated with universities in Australia and Korea and worked to strengthen and develop educational standards and curriculum guidelines in social work education programs in Russia. You can read more about Sarri’s life and impact here.

Nicholas Valentino Receives APSA Best Book Award

Posted June 22, 2022. Seeing Us in Them: Social Divisions and the Politics of Group Empathy by Cigdem V. Sirin, Nicholas A. Valentino, and José D. Villalobos will receive the American Political Science Association (APSA) best book award at the 2022 APSA meetings. This award is given annually for the best book on government, politics, or international affairs.
Read more about this book.

Ted Brader Receives Philip E. Converse Book Award

BraderPosted June 22, 2022. Ted Brader’s book, Campaigning for Hearts and Minds: How Emotional Appeals in Political Ads Work, will receive the Philip E. Converse Book Award for his book at the 2022 American Political Science Association (APSA) meetings. The Converse Award recognizes the author(s) of an outstanding book published at least five years ago. Congratulations, Ted!

Vincent Hutchings Elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Vincent HutchingsPosted May 4, 2022. Vincent Hutchings is among the most recent inductees into the National Academy of Sciences, one of the highest distinctions for a scientist or engineer in the United States. Congratulations, Vincent!
Read more in the University Record

Yuen Yuen Ang Wins Tronstein Award

photo of Yuen Yuen AndPosted April 29, 2022. Yuen Yuen Ang is the 2022 recipient of the Tronstein Award, which is given in recognition of innovative and outstanding teaching of undergraduate students in the University of Michigan Department of Political Science.​ Congratulations, Yuen!

Mary Gallagher Receives 2022 Metrick Family Creativity and Collaboration in Curriculum Award

Mary GallagherPosted April 29, 2022. Mary Gallagher received the Metrick Award for her sustained efforts to strengthen and revamp Introduction to Comparative Politics. This year’s version of the course has been designed to include active learning exercises that engage students in the material and supplement traditional lectures with simulations and discussion. As Mary notes, “students leave the class more confident in their abilities to understand world events, to make sense of politics in places they may never visit, and to engage in politics in their own country with a better sense of the alternatives elsewhere.” Congratulations, Mary!

Josh Pasek Honored for Teaching Innovations

Josh PasekPosted April 25, 2022. Josh Pasek’s was one of the recipients of the Provost’s Teaching Innovative Prize for his project “Simulating Interactions Between Science and Policymaking.” Congratulations, Josh!
Read more about this work in the University Record

Vincent Hutchings Receives the Rackham Distinguished Graduate Mentoring Award

Vincent HutchingsPosted March 25, 2022. Vincent Hutchings will receive the Rackham Distinguished Graduate Mentoring Award. This award recognizes tenured faculty from any discipline who are outstanding mentors of doctoral students, who have a sustained record of mentoring and advising doctoral students, and are active in the direction of dissertations. Congratulations, Vincent!

Jule Krüger and Ragnhild Nordås win the 2021 MIDAS Reproducibility Challenge

Jule KrügerPosted March 8, 2022. Jule Krüger and Ragnhild Nordås won the 2021 Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS) Reproducibility Challenge for their work “Data Processing Principles for Auditable and Reproducible Research.” Learn more about the challenge

Skip Lupia Receives the Charles E. Merriam Award

Skip LupiaPosted September 27, 2021. Skip Lupia will receive the Merriam Award at the 2021 American Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting. The Charles E. Merriam Award was established by the Association to recognize a person whose published work and career represent a significant contribution to the art of government through the application of social science research. Congratulations, Skip!

Don Kinder Selected as the 2022 Henry Russel Lecturer

Don KinderPosted July 16, 2021. Donald R. Kinder, a political science, psychology and research professor who is widely recognized as a giant of behavioral political science and the most distinguished public opinion scholar of his generation, has been selected as the University of Michigan’s 2022 Henry Russel Lecturer. The Henry Russel Lectureship is the university’s highest honor for senior members of its active faculty. It is awarded annually to a faculty member with exceptional achievements in research, scholarship or creative endeavors, as well as an outstanding record of distinguished teaching, mentoring and service to U-M and the wider community. Read more in The University Record.

Mai Hassan Awarded the 2021 Robert A. Dahl Award

Mai HassanPosted July 8, 2021. Mai Hassan’s book, Regime Threats and State Solutions: Bureaucratic Loyalty and Embeddedness in Kenya, is the recipient of the 2021 Robert A. Dahl Award. The Dahl Award is given annually by the American Political Science Association to an untenured scholar who has produced scholarship of the highest quality on the subject of democracy. Congratulations, Mai! Learn more about this book from the CPS Blog.

Edgar Franco Vivanco Awarded the 2021 Heinz I. Eulau Award

Edgar Franco VivancoPosted July 8, 2021. Edgar Franco Vivanco, whose article, “Killing in the Slums: Social Order, Criminal Governance and Police Violence in Rio de Janeiro,” is the recipient of the 2021 Heinz I. Eulau Award. The Eulau Award is given annually by the American Political Science Association for the best article published in American Political Science Review in the previous calendar year. Congratulations, Edgar!

CPS Faculty Expertise: Race and Ethnicity

graphic showing the racial wealth gapPosted May 17, 2021. Our faculty conduct research to explore the role of race in politics and society. Their work examines attitudes about social justice movements, policing and protest, and voting behavior. You can read more about CPS faculty expertise on race here.

U-M Political Scientist and Founding President of the World Values Survey, Ronald Inglehart Dies at 86

Ron InglehartPosted May 11, 2021. Ronald F. Inglehart, 86, died on May 8, 2021, after a long illness. One of the world’s most cited political scientists, Inglehart published over 400 peer-reviewed articles and authored or coauthored fourteen books during his career. His books have been translated into many languages, and his theories have been analyzed and studied in most global and regional contexts. You can read more about Ron’s distinguished career here.

The next front in the gerrymandering wars: Which people get counted?

Jowei ChenPosted February 24, 2021. Minority representation would drop sharply if states equalized the adult citizen population rather than total people when redrawing legislative districts, according to research by Jowei Chen and Nicholas Stephanopoulos. They describe their research on gerrymandering in The Washington Post. Read Chen and Stephanopoulos’s piece here

COVID-19 Crisis Boosts Progressive Values Amidst Growing Pessimism

Ron InglehartPosted February 24, 2021. A unique panel survey conducted in 24 countries reveals the dual impact that the COVID-19 crisis has on values, emotions and the economy. Four decades of research by Professor Ronald Inglehart show that usually crises make people more authoritarian and xenophobic, but in the unique case of the global COVID-19 pandemic with lockdowns and freedom restrictions the effects are very different.

Read more about the results of this survey.

Christian Davenport appointed as the Mary Ann and Charles R. Walgreen Professor of the Study of Human Understanding

photo of Christian DavenportPosted February 22, 2021. Christian Davenport has been appointed as the Mary Ann and Charles R. Walgreen Professor of the Study of Human Understanding by the Regents of the University of Michigan. This professorship was established in the late 1960s to support the study of political and sociological factors that are relevant to the subject of human understanding, and to emphasize the study of the underlying causes of lack of understanding between people. Congratulations, Christian!

Barbara Koremenos to Advise on Cooperative Responses to Common Threats

Barb KoremenosPosted February 9, 2021. Because of her award-winning work on treaty design, Barbara Koremenos has been asked by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences to participate in some small-group meetings on Cooperative Responses to Common Threats as part of the Project on Rethinking the Humanitarian Health Response to Violent Conflict. Over the past couple of years, she has also served on two National Academies of Sciences panels, using her research as the basis for policy recommendations.

Yuen Yuen Ang Awarded Theda Skocpol Prize for Emerging Scholars

Posted September 24, 2020. Yuen Yuen Ang won the Theda Skocpol Prize by the American Political Science Association in recognition of her “impactful empirical, theoretical and/or methodological contributions to the study of comparative politics.” The prize recognizes emerging academics up to ten years post-PhD for scholarly excellence in political science. Congratulations!

Mai Hassan receives best article award

Posted August 31, 2020. Mai Hassan and Thomas O’Mealia won the best article award from the African Politics Conference Group of the American Political Science Association (APSA) for their article, “Uneven accountability in the wake of political violence: Evidence from Kenya’s ashes and archives,” Journal of Peace Research, 55(2), 161-174. Congratulations!

Arthur Lupia named Gerald R. Ford Distinguished University Professor of Political Science

Posted July 17, 2020. “Professor Lupia has been hailed as one of the leading political scientists of his generation,” Rackham Graduate School Dean Michael Solomon wrote in his recommendation. “He has contributed path-breaking and highly influential research in a wide variety of topics, including electoral behavior, public opinion, direct democracy, legislative organization, institutional design, policy implementation, and the impact of electronic media.” Read more in the University Record.

Vincent Hutichings appointed as a University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor

Vincent HutchingsPosted July 17, 2020. Established in 2019, the University Diversity and Social Transformation Professorship recognizes senior faculty who have shown a commitment to the university’s ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion through their scholarship, teaching, or service and engagement. “These faculty members have demonstrable impact in their disciplines,” said Susan Collins, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs. “It is truly gratifying to recognize and support these distinguished scholars.” Read more in the University Record.

Jenna Bednar receives Daniel Elazar Distinguished Federalism Scholar Award

bednarPosted June 6, 2020Jenna Bednar is the 2020 winner of the Daniel Elazar Distinguished Federalism Scholar Award. This award is given by the Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations section of the American Political Science Association. It recognizes Jenna’s “distinguished scholarly contributions to the study of federalism and intergovernmental relations.” Congratulations!

Mara Ostfeld receives award for best paper in Political Behavior

OstfeldPosted June 6, 2020Mara Ostfeld received the award for her paper “The New White Flight?: The Effects of Political Appeals to Latinos on White Democrats”. This article extends work focusing on the increasing identification of blacks with the Democratic Party to appeals to Latinos. Ostfeld identifies several key mechanisms for the relationship between such appeals and changing white attitudes toward the parties, and then develops experiments to test those mechanisms. Congratulations!

Kenneth Lowande receives APSA Founders Award

Posted May 26, 2020. Kenneth Lowande and Chuck Shipan received the American Political Science Association’s (APSA) Founders Award for “Where is Presidential Power? Measuring Discretion with Experts and Laypersons.” The award is given annually for the best paper on the presidency and executive politics.noreferrer”>Read more in the University Record.

Vincent Hutchings receives the 2020 Tronstein Award

Vincent HutchingsPosted May 1, 2020. Vincent Hutchings received the 2020 Tronstein Award for his innovative and outstanding teaching of undergraduate students in the U-M Department of Political Science. Congratulations!

James Morrow receives SSIP Distinguished Scholar Award

Posted March 31, 2020. James Morrow is the recipient of the inaugural Distinguished Scholar in the Scientific Study of International Processes (SSIP) section of the International Studies Association. Read more.

Kenny Lowande wins two MPSA awards

Posted Feb. 21, 2020. Kenny Lowande received two awards from the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA). “Bureaucratic Responsiveness to LGBT Americans”, coauthored with Andrew Proctor, won the Kenneth J. Meier Award for best paper in bureaucratic politics, public administration, or public policy. “Descriptive and Substantive Representation in Congress: Evidence from 80,000 Congressional Inquiries”, coauthored with Melinda Ritchie and Erinn Lauterbach, is co-recipient of the award for best paper published in the American Journal of Political Science in 2019. Read more.

Jowei Chen recognized as a "Defender of Democracy"

Posted Oct. 17, 2019. Common Cause honored Jowei Chen as one of four “Defenders of Democracy” who played pivotal roles in reshaping America’s legal landscape to address partisan gerrymandering. Read more.

Scott Page Named John Seely Brown Distinguished University Professor of Complexity, Social Science, and Management

Scott PagePosted July 22, 2019. Scott Page has been named the John Seely Brown Distinguished University Professor of Complexity, Social Science, and Management. This appointment recognizes exceptional scholarly achievements. Recipients are the University’s most prestigious professors. Read more.

Kiyoteru Tsutsui's book selected for multiple awards from the American Sociological Association (ASA)

tsutsuiPosted July 2, 2019.  Kiyoteru Tsutsui’s book, Rights Make Might: Global Human Rights and Minority Social Movements in Japan, (Oxford University Press 2018), has been selected for multiple awards from the American Sociological Association (ASA). Read more.

Angela Ocampo Receives Dissertation Award

OcampoPosted June 26, 2019.  Angela Ocampo’s dissertation, The Politics of Inclusion: A Sense of Belonging to U.S. Society and Latino Political Participation will receive the American Political Science Association’s (APSA) Race and Ethnic Politics Section’s award for the best dissertation in the field at the fall 2019 APSA meetings. Congratulation Angela!

Jenna Bednar Awarded the 2019 Martha Derthick Best Book Award

bednarPosted June 4, 2019.  Jenna Bednar‘s book, The Robust Federation, has been selected as the 2019 winner of APSA’s Martha Derthick Best Book Award. The Derthick Award is presented to the author of the “best book published at least ten years ago that has made a lasting contribution to the study of federalism and intergovernmental relations.”

More about The Robust Federation

Christian Davenport Elected President of the Peace Science Society (International)

davenportPosted May 7, 2019. Christian Davenport was elected to the was elected to the Peace Science Society (International). Davenport co-directs the Conflict Consotrium at the Center for Political Studies and is a research professor at the Peace Research Institute Oslo. His primary research interests include the conception, causes and after effects of political conflict — such as human rights violations, genocide/politicide, torture, political surveillance, civil war and social movements — measurement, racism and popular culture. Congratulations Christian!

In Memory of Darrell Donakowski

DonakowskiPosted May 2, 2019. Darrell Donakowski, past Director of Studies of the American National Election Studies (ANES), passed away suddenly on Saturday, April 27, 2019.

Darrell’s colleagues remember him fondly. ICPSR Director Maggie Levenstein shares that “Darrell was a warm, caring, enthusiastic person. He will be missed by his many friends and colleagues in Ann Arbor as well as by the Dearborn community of which he was an integral part.” Read more.

Christian Sandvig named H. Marshall McLuhan Collegiate Professor in Digital Media

Posted Sept. 26, 2018. Christian Sandvig was named the H. Marshall McLuhan Collegiate Professor in Digital Media by the University of Michigan Board of Regents. This is a newly-created professorship, which honors H. Marshall McLuhan, who is best known for the theorization of digital media. Congratulations, Christian!

Yuen Yuen Ang Awarded the 2018 Zelizer Best Book Award in Economic Sociology

Posted Sept. 12, 2018. Yuen Yuen Ang was awarded the 2018 Zelizer Best Book Award in Economic Sociology by the American Sociological Association for her book How China Escaped the Poverty Trap. The book “truly offers game-changing ideas for the analysis and implementation of socio-economic development and should have a major impact across many social sciences,” the prize committee writes. The full citation is posted on the Organizations, Occupations, and Work blog. Congratulations Yuen!

Brian Weeks receives award for Best Information Technology and Politics Article

Posted Sept. 12, 2018. Brian Weeks, along with Homero Gil de Zúñiga and Alberto Ardèvol-Abreu, received the award for Best Information Technology and Politics Article at the 2018 APSA Annual Meeting. Their article “Effects of the News-Finds-Me Perception in Communication: Social Media Use Implications for News Seeking and Learning About Politics” was published in the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Congratulations Brian!

Arthur Lupia named head of NSF program

Posted Sept. 1, 2018. Arthur Lupia, has been selected by the National Science Foundation to serve as the head of its Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences. Congratulations Arthur! ISR news release.

Anne Pitcher Wins 2018 Dudley Seers Memorial Prize

PitcherPosted May 14, 2018. Anne Pitcher won the 2018 Dudley Seers Memorial Prize for best article in The Journal of Development Studies for 2017. The article is “Party System Competition and Private Sector Development in Africa”, The Journal of Development Studies, vol. 53, no. 1 (2017): 1-17. Congratulations Anne!

Arun Agrawal Elected to National Academy of Sciences

Posted May 1, 2018. Arun Agrawal was elected to the National Academy of Sciences for his research and teaching emphasize the politics of international development, institutional change and environmental sustainability. He has written critically on indigenous knowledge, community-based conservation, common property, resource governance, and environmental beliefs and identities. Congratulations Arun!

Yuen Yuen Ang Named Carnegie Fellow

Posted April 30, 2018. Yuen Yuen Ang was named to the 2018 class of Carnegie Fellows. Ang’s project proposes to study economic development from an unconventional perspective: how new markets emerge in poor, weak states despite constraints or by turning constraints into strengths — rather than by first achieving good governance in first-world forms. Ang wrote How China Escaped the Poverty Trap,” which won the 2017 Peter Katzenstein Book Prize and was named “Best Books of 2017” by Foreign Affairs. Congratulations Yuen!

Christian Davenport Elected To The American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Posted April 18, 2018.  Christian Davenport was elected to the was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Davenport co-directs the Conflict Consotrium at the Center for Political Studies and is a research professor at the Peace Research Institute Oslo. His primary research interests include the conception, causes and after effects of political conflict — such as human rights violations, genocide/politicide, torture, political surveillance, vicil war and social movements — measurement, racism and popular culture. Congratulations Christian!

Mara Ostfeld Wins 2018 Lucius Barker Award

OstfeldPosted January 1, 2018. Mara Ostfeld has won the Midwest Political Science Association’s (MPSA) Lucius Barker Award for her paper, “The New Racial Realignment: Democratic Appeals to Latinos and White Support for the Democratic Party.” The Lucius Barker Award is given to the best paper on a topic investigating race or ethnicity and politics and honoring the spirit and work of Professor Barker. Congratulations Mara!

Don Kinder Elected To The National Academy of Sciences

KinderPosted May 2, 2017. Donald Kinder was elected to the National Academy of Sciences for his path-breaking contributions to the study of American politics. He has spend his professional career at the Center for Political Studies in the Institute for Social Research, which has been the academic home of many members of the National Academies. Congratulations Don!

Yuri Zhukov Receives Bruce Russett Award

Yuri ZhukovPosted August 16, 2016. Yuri Zhukov received the Bruce Russett Award for best paper published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution during 2015, for his paper “Population Resettlement in War. Congratulations Yuri!

Rocio Titiunik Wins Society for Political Methodology's Emerging Scholar Award

titiunikPosted August 8, 2016. Rocio Titiunik won the prestigious Society for Political Methodology’s 2016 Emerging Scholar Award. She was enthusiastically and unanimously commended for her excellent contributions to the field of political methodology. Mentioned as impressive is her Econometrica paper on RD methods. Congratulations Rocio!

Andrew Martin Wins Prestigious Lasting Contribution Award

MartinPosted June 14, 2016. Andrew Martin won APSA’s prestigious Lasting Contribution Award from the Law and Courts section. Andrew D. Martin, University of Michigan & Kevin M. Quinn, University of California, Berkeley, “Dynamic Ideal Point Estimation via Markov Chain Monte Carlo for the U.S. Supreme Court, 1953-1999.” 2002. Political Analysis 10:134-153. Congratulations Andrew!

Robert Mickey Wins APSA J. David Greenstone Prize

MickeyPosted June 8, 2016. Robert Mickey won APSA’s J. David Greenstone Prize for the Best Book Published in the Past 2 Years in Politics and History: Paths Out of Dixie. Congratulations Rob!

Arun Agrawal Named Samuel Trask Dana Professor

arun agrawalPosted May 23, 2016.  Special congratulations to Arun Agrawal who was named Samuel Trask Dana Professor in the School of Natural Resources and Environment. This is a well-deserved recognition for Arun.

Stuart Soroka Gives Inaugural Lecture

sorokaPosted February 15, 2016. Stuart Soroka gave his Michael W. Traugott Professor of Communication Studies and Political Science Inaugural Lecture on February 10, 2016. The lecture was entitled “Bad News Good Democracy”. Congratulations Stuart (and Mike)!