People: Research Faculty
James Morrow
Research Professor
Research Professor, Center for Political Studies
Professor, Department of Political Science
A.F.K. Organski Collegiate Professor of World Politics
Ph.D. 1982 University of Rochester (Political Science)
James Morrow’s Curriculum Vitae (CV)
James Morrow’s Google Scholar Profile
James Morrow’s A.F.K. Organski Collegiate Professorship in World Politics Inaugural Lecture: The Future of World Politics
Morrow’s research addresses theories of international politics, both the logical development and empirical testing of such theories. He is best known for pioneering the application of noncooperative game theory, drawn from economics, to international politics. His published work covers crisis bargaining, the causes of war, military alliances, arms races, power transition theory, links between international trade and conflict, the role of international institutions, and domestic politics and foreign policy. Morrow’s current research addresses the role of selection institutions on domestic and foreign policy and the effects of norms on international politics. The latter project examines the laws of war in detail as an example of such norms.
Institute for Social Research (ISR), University of Michigan
Room 4456, 426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104–2321, United States
Phone: 734–615–3172
Fax: 734–764–3341
Email: [email protected]
University of Michigan Online Directory listing
Selected Publications
Please also see James Morrow’s Curriculum Vitae (CV) or James Morrow’s Google Scholar Profile.
Bueno de Mesquita, B., A. Smith, R.M. Siverson, J.D. Morrow. The Logic of Political Survival. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003.
Morrow, J.D., Game Theory for Political Scientists. 1994: Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Morrow, J.D. When Do States Follow the Laws of War?, American Political Science Review, 101(2007):559-572
Morrow, J.D., Alliances and Asymmetry: An Alternative to the Capability Aggregation Model of Alliances.American Journal of Political Science, 1991. 35(4): p. 904-933.
Morrow, J.D., Capabilities, Uncertainty, and Resolve: A Limited Information Model of Crisis Bargaining.American Journal of Political Science, 1989. 33(4): p. 941-972.
James Morrow receives SSIP Distinguished Scholar Award
James Morrow Gives Inaugural Lecture
James Morrow Elected to 2014 Class of Fellows
Jim Morrow Selected to Receive Collegiate Chair
Jim Morrow Awarded 2009 CICS International Development and Security Fellowship
Jim Morrow Selected as President-Elect of The Peace Science Society International