People: Research Faculty

Ted Brader
Research Professor
Research Professor, Center for Political Studies
Professor, Department of Political Science
Adjunct Professor, Department of Communication Studies
Ph.D. 1999 Harvard University (Political Science)
Ted Brader’s Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Ted Brader’s Google Scholar Profile
Professor Brader currently serves as Associate Principal Investigator for Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences. He has formerly served as Principal Investigator for the American National Election Studies. His research focuses on the role of emotions in politics, political partisanship, media effects on public opinion, and other topics in political psychology. He has conducted numerous surveys and experiments on politics across seven countries.
Institute for Social Research (ISR), University of Michigan
Room 4416, 426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104–2321, United States
Phone: 734–936–1777
Fax: 734–764–3341
Email: [email protected]
Selected Publications
Please also see Ted Brader’s Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Ted Brader’s Google Scholar Profile.
Brader, T., N.A. Valentino, and E. Suhay, What triggers public opposition to immigration? Anxiety, group cues, and immigration threat. American Journal of Political Science, 2008. 52(4): p. 959.
Brader, T., Campaigning for hearts and minds: How emotional appeals in political ads work. 2006, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Brader, T., Striking a responsive chord: How political ads motivate and persuade voters by appealing to emotions. American Journal of Political Science, 2005. 49(2): p. 388.
Brader, T. and J.A. Tucker, The emergence of mass partisanship in Russia, 1993-1996. American Journal of Political Science, 2001. 45(1): p. 69.