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People: Research Faculty

Arun Agrawal

Faculty Associate


Faculty Associate, Center for Political Studies
Samuel Trask Dana Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS)


Ph.D. 1992 Duke University (Political Science)


Arun Agrawal’s Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Arun Agrawal’s Personal Website
Arun Agrawal’s Google Scholar Profile


Arun Agrawal’s research and teaching emphases are on the politics of international development, institutional change and environmental conservation. He has written extensively on 1) indigenous knowledge, 2) community-based conservation, 3) common property, 4) population and resources, and 5) environmental identities. Recent interests include the decentralization of environmental policy (especially forestry and wildlife), and the emergence of environment as a subject of human concern. Geographical focus on South Asia although recent projects include other developing countries in Africa and Latin America.


Institute for Social Research (ISR), University of Michigan
Room 4262, 426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104–2321, United States

Phone: 734–647–5948
Fax: 734–647–5047
Email: [email protected]
University of Michigan Online Directory listing

Selected Publications

Please also see Arun Agrawal’s Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Google Scholar Profile

Agrawal, A. 2005. Environmentality: Technologies Of Government And The Making Of Subjects (Duke University Press; Oxford University Press, Delhi). rpt. 2006.

Agrawal, A. 1999. Greener Pastures: Politics, Markets, and Community Among a Migrant Pastoral PeopleDurham NC: Duke University Press. (Jointly published by Oxford University Press, Delhi).

Agrawal, A. with Charla Britt and K. Kanel. 1999. Decentralization in Nepal: A Comparative Analysis San Francisco: ICS Press.

Agrawal, A. and V. Saberwal. 2005. The Future of Nomadic Agro-Pastoralism in South Asia Special issue, Nomadic Peoples.

Sivaramakrishnan, K. and A. Agrawal. 2003. Regional Modernities: The Cultural Politics of Development in India Stanford University Press. (also published jointly by Oxford University Press, New Delhi in Spring 2003).