Project: American National Election Studies (ANES)

American National Election Studies (ANES)
Founded in 1948, the core mission of the American National Election Study (ANES) is to inform explanations of election outcomes by providing data that support rich hypothesis testing, maximize methodological excellence, measure many variables, and promote comparisons across people, contexts and time.
The ANES serves this mission by providing researchers with survey data from a nationally representative sample of American adults. Such data are critical because these citizens’ actions determine election outcomes. These data are distributed widely and quickly to serve thousands of scholars and to be used in classrooms around the world to enrich research and education. The ANES seeks to inform the nation about itself, exploring the causes and consequences of voting behavior and electoral outcomes. The ANES data are freely available on the project’s website.
The history of the American National Election Studies project is described in detail in The Michigan, then National, then American National Election Studies, written by Nancy Burns.
On August 12, 2020, Vincent Hutchings gave a talk outlining the history of the ANES, and why it is the “gold standard” of political surveys. You can read a summary of his talk on the CPS blog, or view a recording of his talk below.
Project Website
Nicholas A. Valentino, Center for Political Studies (PI) ; Shanto Iyengar, Stanford University (PI); D. Sunshine Hillygus, Duke University (Associate PI); Daron Shaw, University of Texas at Austin (Associate PI);
American National Science Foundation (NSF); University of Michigan; Stanford University; and others (see project website)
Project Period
1948 – present