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Miller-Converse Lecture Series

About the series

The series is the University of Michigan’s preeminent lecture series on American Electoral Politics. The Series honors the legacy of CPS Founder Warren Miller and former CPS and ISR Director Philip Converse.

Past lectures in this series

James L. Gibson, March 21, 2024
Democracy’s Destruction? The 2020 Election, Trump’s Insurrection, and the Strength of America’s Political Institutions
Watch a recording of the lecture

Stanley Feldman, March 23, 2023
Elections, Authoritarianism, Partisan Polarization in the US”
Watch a recording of the lecture

Ken Kollman, Robert Franzese, and Pauline Jones, April 8, 2021
“Can Democracy Survive?”
Watch a recording of the roundtable

Diana Mutz, April 11, 2019
“Winners and Losers: The Psychology of Foreign Trade”
Watch a recording of the lecture
Read a summary of the lecture in the CPS Blog

Henry Brady, April 12, 2018
“Changing Cleavages and Coalitions in American Politics 1972-2016: The Rise of Polarization and Populism”
Watch a recording of the lecture

Leonie Huddy, March 30, 2017
“Beyond the Ballot Box: Partisan Identity and Political Action”

Kathleen Hall Jamieson, April 14, 2016
“Can Political Advertising Perfert Policy-Making?”
View photos of the event

Jack Citrin, April 9, 2015
“Identities and Identifications in American Public Opinion”
Watch a recording of the lecture

A Memorial Service for Phil Converse was held on Friday, April 10, 2015 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm in the Michigan Union Ballroom.

Donald Kinder, April 10, 2014
“Belief Systems Turns Fifty”
View photos of the event

Christopher Achen, April 18, 2013
“From Lost to Found: The Miller-Stokes Book Manuscript and its Implications for Democratic Theory”
View photos of the event

Lawrence Bobo, April 19, 2012
“When Surveys Get it Right: Understanding Race in America”


Adam Berinsky, Kathy Cramer Walsh, Cindy Kam, Ellen Lust, Tasha Philpot, April 7, 2011
“A Panel Discussion on Public Opinion and Political Action: The Present and the Future of the Fields”


Sir Roger Jowell, April 29, 2010
“Comparing National Characteristics: Pitfalls and Partial Solutions”


Gary King, April 9, 2009
“The Changing Evidence Base of Social Science Research”


Robert Putnam, April 8, 2008
“American Grace: The Changing Role of Religion in American Civic Life”


Thomas E. Mann, April 19, 2007
“Have the Midterm Elections Begun to Mend the Broken Branch?”


Gary C. Jacobson, April 6, 2006
“A Divider, Not A Uniter: George W. Bush and the American People.”


Morris P. Fiorina, April 28, 2005
“Culture War? A 2004 Update.”


David Sears, April 1, 2004
“On Acorns and Oaks: Revisiting the Partisan Realignment of the White South.”


Sidney Verba, April 10, 2003
“Political Equality: Why do we want it? Why won’t we get it?”


Samuel L. Popkin, April 16, 2002
“The Reasoning Candidate: Theory and Practice in Modern Campaigns.”


James A. Stimson, April 16, 2001
“Revisiting the Diamond: Representation in a Systems Perspective.”


Virginia Sapiro, April 25, 2000
“So What’s to Like (or Dislike) about American Political Parties? Images in the Mass Public,1952-1996.”


Larry Bartels, April 13, 1999
“An Agenda for Voting Research.”


M. Kent Jennings, April 21, 1998
“Political Responses to Pain and Loss.”


John Zaller, April 14, 1997
“A Theory of the Media”