People: Research Faculty

Kevin Quinn
Faculty Associate
Faculty Associate, Center for Political Studies
Professor, Department of Political Science
Professor, Department of Statistics (by courtesy)
Ph.D. 1999 Washington University in St. Louis (Political Science)
Kevin Quinn’s Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Kevin Quinn’s Google Scholar Profile
Prior to joining the Michigan faculty, Professor Quinn was a Professor of Law at UC Berkeley. His research focuses on questions of empirical legal studies and statistical methodology. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation and has appeared in leading journals in political science, statistics, and law. Professor Quinn is a former President of the Society for Political Methodology and his research has received multiple professional awards.
Institute for Social Research (ISR), University of Michigan
Room 4436, 426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104–2321, United States
Email: [email protected]
University of Michigan Online Directory listing
Selected Publications
Please also see Kevin Quinn’s Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Kevin Quinn’s Google Scholar Profile.
Abrajano, Marisa A.; Christopher S. Elmendorf; and Kevin M. Quinn. 2018. “Labels vs. Pictures: Treatment-Mode Effects in Experiments About Discrimination.” Political Analysis. 26: 20-33.
Keele, Luke and Kevin M. Quinn. 2017. “Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Effects from 2 × 2 Tables in the Presence of Unmeasured Confounding with Application to Presidential Campaign Visits.” Annals of Applied Statistics. 11: 1974-1997.
Elmendorf, Christopher S.; Kevin M. Quinn; and Marisa A. Abrajano. 2016. “Racially Polarized Voting.” University of Chicago Law Review. 83: 587-692.
Herron, Michael C. and Kevin M. Quinn. 2016. “A Careful Look at Modern Case Selection Methods.” Sociological Methods and Research. 45: 458-492.
Unkovic, Cait; Maya Sen; and Kevin M. Quinn. 2016. “Does Encouragement Matter in Improving Gender Imbalances in Technical Fields? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial.” PLOS ONE.