People: Research Faculty
Michael Traugott
Research Professor Emeritus
Research Professor Emeritus, Center for Political Studies
Professor Emeritus, Communication Studies
Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Science
Ph.D. 1974 University of Michigan (Political Science)
Michael Traugott’s Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Michael Traugott’s Google Scholar Profile
Professor Traugott studies the mass media and their impact on American politics. This includes research on the use of the media by candidates in their campaigns and its impact on voters, as well as the ways that campaigns are covered and the impact of this coverage on candidates. He has a particular interest in the use of surveys and polls and the way news organizations employ them to cover campaigns and elections.
Institute for Social Research (ISR), University of Michigan
Room 4460, 426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104–2321, United States
Phone: 734–763–4702
Fax: 734–764–3341
Email: [email protected]
University of Michigan Online Directory listing
Selected Publications
Please also see Michael Traugott’s Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Michael Traugott’s Google Scholar Profile.
Traugott, M.W., An Evaluation of the Methodology of the 2008 Pre-Election Primary Polls, 2009, AAPOR Ad Hoc Committee on the 2008 Presidential Primary Polling.
Traugott, M.W. and P.J Lavrakas, The Voter’s Guide to Election Polls. 4th ed. 2008, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Traugott, M.W. with Paul S. Herrnson, Richard G. Niemi, Michael J. Hanmer, Benjamin J. Bederson, and Frederick G. Conrad, Voting Technology: The Not So Simple Act of Casting a Ballot, 2008, Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press.
Traugott, M.W. with with Wolfgang Donsbach (Co-editor), Handbook of Public Opinion Research. 2008, London: Sage Publications.