People: Research Fellows

Justine Davis
Research Fellow
Ph.D. 2020, University of California, Berkeley (Political Science)
M.A. 2017, University of California, Berkeley (Political Science)
M.A. 2012, American University of Paris (International Affairs, Conflict Resolution and Civil Society Development)
Masters 2012, La Sorbonne-Paris (Sciences Politiques)
B.A. 2008, Elon University (International Studies)
Justine Davis’s Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Justine Davis’s Personal Website
Justine M. Davis is an LSA Collegiate Fellow in the Department of Afroamerican and African Studies (DAAS) at the University of Michigan. She will be an Assistant Professor in DAAS and Political Science beginning in 2022. Davis’ research examines challenges to democratization efforts in post-conflict and weakly institutionalized contexts in Sub-Saharan Africa. Her current book project explores how civil war affects the ability of local civil society organizations to contribute to post-conflict democratization. Through a multi-methods research design, she leverages geographic variation in rebel takeover in Côte d’Ivoire to examine how war shapes local civil society and citizens. For more information, please visit her website.
Email: [email protected]
University of Michigan Online Directory listing
Selected Publications
Please also see Justine Davis’s Curriculum Vitae (CV).
Justine M. Davis. 2020. “Manipulating Africa? Perspectives on the experimental method in the study of African politics.“ African Affairs.
Frontani, Heidi G. and Justine Davis. 2008. “Ideologies of Land and Place: Memories from Zimbabwe’s War of Liberation” South African Geographical Journal. 90 (1) 54-63.
Davis, Justine. 2008. “Selling Wares on the Streets of Accra: A Case Study of Street Hawkers in Ghana’s Capital”. Focus on Geography. (December): 32-36.