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People: Research Faculty

Sabina Tomkins

John Barry Ryan

Faculty Associate


Faculty Associate, Center for Political Studies
Associate Professor, Political Science; Communication and Media


Ph.D.  2018, University of California, Davis (Political Science)


John Barry Ryan CV



John Barry Ryan’s research agenda is centered on political communication with a focus on campaign communication, social influence, and the news media. His latest co-authored books and monographs are Partisan Hostility and American Democracy: Explaining Political Divisions and When They Matter (University of Chicago Press), Constructing Political Expertise in the News (Cambridge University Press), Examining Motivations in Interpersonal Communication Experiments (Cambridge University Press), and The Other Divide: Polarization and Disengagement in American Politics (Cambridge University Press). His reseach has appeared in journals such as American Journal of Political ScienceAmerican Political Science ReviewThe Journal of PoliticsNature Human Behavior, and Public Opinion Quarterly


University of Michigan
5427 North Quad
105 South State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Email: [email protected]

Selected Publications

Please also see John Barry Ryan’s Curriculum Vitae (CV).

Druckman, JN., Klar, S., Krupnikov, Y., Levendusky, M. and JB Ryan, Political Hostility and American Democracy. (2024) Cambridge University Press.
Druckman, JN., Klar, S., Krupnikov, Y., Levendusky, M. and JB Ryan, Affective polarization, local contexts and public opinion in America. (2021) Nature human behaviour 5 (1), 28-38
Klar, S., Krupnkokov, Y., JB Ryan, Affective polarization or partisan disdain? Untangling a dislike for the opposing party from a dislike of partisanship. (2018)  Public Opinion Quarterly 82 (2), 379-390
Krupnikov, Y., and JB Ryan, The Other Divide. (2022) Cambridge University Press.