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People: Research Faculty

Elisabeth Gerber

Faculty Associate


Associate Dean for Research and Policy Engagement, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Jack L. Walker, Jr. Collegiate Professor of Public Policy
Professor of Political Science
Research Associate, Center for Political Studies


Ph.D. 1991 University of Michigan (Political Science)


Elisabeth Gerber’s Personal Website 


Professor Gerber’s current research focuses on regionalism and intergovernmental cooperation, sustainable development, urban climate adaptation, transportation policy, community and economic development, local fiscal capacity, and local political accountability. She is the author of The Populist Paradox: Interest Group Influence and the Promise of Direct Legislation (1999), co-author of Stealing the Initiative: How State Government Responds to Direct Democracy (2000), and co-editor of Voting at the Political Fault Line: California’s Experiment with the Blanket Primary (2001) and Michigan at the Millennium (2003). She recently completed a five-year term as vice-chair of the Regional Transit Authority of Southeast Michigan. She received her PhD in political science from the University of Michigan.


5228 Weill Hall
735 S. State St.
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Phone: 734-276-7730
Email: [email protected]
University of Michigan Online Directory listing

Selected Publications

View more on Elisabeth Gerber’s personal website

“Motivational Crowding in Sustainable Development Interventions,” with Arun Agrawal and Ashwini Chhatre. 2015. American Political Science Review 109:3, 470-487.

Spatial Dynamics of Vertical and Horizontal Intergovernmental Collaboration,” with Carolyn Loh. Forthcoming. Journal of Urban Affairs 37:3, 270-288.

Political Homophily and Collaboration in Regional Planning Networks,” with Adam Henry and Mark Lubell. 2013. American Journal of Political Science 57:3, 598-610.

“Partisanship and Local Climate Policy.” Spring 2013. Cityscape 15:1, 107-124.

“When Mayors Matter: Estimating the Impact of Mayoral Partisanship on City Policy,” with Daniel Hopkins. 2011. American Journal of Political Science. 55:2, 326-339.