People: Research Faculty

Dan Slater
Faculty Associate
Ronald and Eileen Weiser Professor of Emerging Democracies and Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies Director; Professor of Political Science
Ph.D., 2005, Political Science, Emory University.
M.A., 1996, Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington.
B.A., 1994, History and International Relations, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Dan Slater’s Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Dan Slater’s Google Scholar Profile
Dan Slater specializes in the politics and history of enduring dictatorships and emerging democracies, with a regional focus on Southeast Asia. His book examining how divergent historical patterns of contentious politics have shaped variation in state power and authoritarian durability in seven Southeast Asian countries, entitled Ordering Power: Contentious Politics and Authoritarian Leviathans in Southeast Asia, was published in the Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics series in 2010. He is also a co-editor of Southeast Asia in Political Science: Theory, Region, and Qualitative Analysis (Stanford University Press, 2008), which assesses the contributions of Southeast Asian political studies to theoretical knowledge in comparative politics. His published articles can be found in disciplinary journals such as the American Journal of Political Science, American Journal of Sociology, Comparative Politics, Comparative Political Studies, International Organization, Perspectives on Politics, Studies in Comparative International Development, and World Politics, as well as Asia-oriented journals such as Critical Asian Studies, Indonesia, Journal of East Asian Studies, South East Asia Research, Taiwan Journal of Democracy, and TRANS.
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Phone: 734-764-0351
Email: [email protected]
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Selected Publications
Please also see Dan Slater’s CV or Dan Slater’s Google Scholar Profile.
Coercive Distribution (with Michael Albertus and Sofia Fenner). Cambridge University Press (CUP-Elements Series on the Politics of Development), 2018.
“The Indigenous Inheritance: Critical Antecedents and State-Building in Latin America and Southeast Asia” (with Hillel Soifer). Social Science History 44:1 (Spring 2020), forthcoming.
“Violent Origins of Authoritarian Variation: Rebellion Type and Regime Type in Cold War Southeast Asia.” Government and Opposition 55:1 (January 2020), forthcoming.
“Maladjustment: Economic Shock and Authoritarian Dynamics in Malaysia.” In Victor Shih (ed.), Economic Shocks and Authoritarian Stability. University of Michigan Press (WCED Book Series), 2019, forthcoming.
“Democratizing Singapore’s Developmental State.” In Lily Rahim and Michael Barr (eds.), The Limits of Authoritarian Governance in Singapore’s Developmental State. PalgraveMacmillan, 2019, pp. 305-319.