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The Ronald F. Inglehart Scholarship Fund

Created in memory of pioneering CPS scholar and mentor, Ronald F. Inglehart, this fund supports research and travel by early career scholars to study comparative politics, with a preference for graduate students traveling internationally.

Ron’s research transformed the way that social scientists understand the role of human values and cultures in societies worldwide, and his ideas have been central to our understanding of public opinion and cultural change. In addition to his impressive research accomplishments, Ron was known to be modest and down-to-earth, generous with his time, and an excellent citizen of the university. The fund honors his professional legacy and his many contributions to students and fellow political scientists.

Application Process

Information about the competition, award amount, and eligibility, along with links to apply, will be available on this website at the end of the calendar year.

Please email any questions to [email protected].

Award Winners

2024: Negotiated Citizenship:Managed Relationships with a Violent State

By Charlotte Boucher

Project Description

My work has always been focused on understanding the role of state violence, and how different populations process this violence. My dissertation project seeks to investigate the relationship between living in neighborhoods with high police and interpersonal violence and the subjective citizenship of neighborhood residents, through a comparison of two neighborhoods in Chicago and Saint Denis, France. This project engages in particular with the important and contemporary debate within American political science, that seeks to establish the relationship between carceral contact (in particular police violence) and civic participation. I argue that our current understanding of police violence and the resulting engagement or withdrawal from the state is overly simplistic, and that residents instead perform different forms of negotiated engagement with the state, influenced by the broader perception of state responsiveness or negligence as informed by their experiences with the police.

2023: Patronage as Insurance: Precarity, Clientelism and Political Engagement in Africa

By Peter Carroll

Project Description

My research is focused on the impact of poverty on politics, with a focus on East Africa. This work has brought me to urban and rural settings in Tanzania and Uganda where I have considered how economic conditions influence how citizens interaction with political officials. Through these observations I gained some intuition about how the field of political science might better account for the realities of poverty in our study of political behavior. My work seeks to push the discipline to consider the dynamic nature of poverty, that is, how fluctuations in levels of hardship over time produce a sense of precarity that shapes political action. It is my view that this lived experience among the poor has been under-appreciated in our understanding of poverty and political engagement. I aim to make both theoretical and empirical advances in this area.

The Inglehart Award was established to honor the remarkable legacy of Dr. Inglehart by supporting emerging scholars in the study of comparative politics. I am a Ph.D. Candidate in the Political Science department studying the political economy of development in Africa. As a graduate student at the University of Michigan, I have had the opportunity to engage with the Institute of Social Research through the mentorship of scholars at the Center for Political Studies and workshops, and now through the support of the Inglehart Award. My research and career trajectory has been deeply impacted through this engagement, for which I am sincerely grateful.

Peter Carroll

2023 recipient of the Ronald F. Inglehart Fellowship

photo of Ron Inglehart


The Ronald F. Inglehart Scholarship is funded entirely through donations. If you are interested making a contribution, you may do so by clicking the “Give Online” button below.

Every gift is important and makes a difference. Thank you!